Hello! My name is Alex Beaut. This site is dedicated to my work, my models, which later I import in Vehicle Simulator and Virtual Sailor. Here you will find a variety of ships, a different time period. A majority of my models are free and available for download. There are those that I do exclusively for their visible for YouTube. At the moment, I have created a series of paid ships. If you loved my work, Please support me in this endeavor.
Recommended hardware and software requirements
AMD FX8350 serie,
4Gb Ram
GeForce RTX770/AMD Radeon r7 370 or better graphic card with 4Gb graphic memory
Paid models. That means you value the hard and long work involved and if you think it is worth a few bucks, you have to donate 5-10$ to be able to download and use it in Vehicle Simulator . More, doing an additional donation will allow me to develop other models for Vehicle Simulator and its future updates. Developing serious models is really a long task and a real commitment once one is started. Doing so on a regular basis needs some financial motivation and support, as well as a minimal decent income to the author.
Purchasing the addon for 5-10$ will allow you to download it for an unlimited time, for your own computer. Also, in the future, when updating or correcting the model, you will receive an email with a link to download updates. All problems arising with the model can be solved on the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/AlexBeautLine/) or the solution is already indicated in README.
Thank you a lot for your generosity and help.
This model and files contained in the archive are the sole property of Alex Beaut.
By unzipping this archive, you accept to not host the files of the models contained into the archive on any other server than the author's one, to NOT DISTRIBUTE THEM IN ANY WAY (email, private message, disk, hardware, software material...), to not sell them, to not modify, TO NOT USE ANY CONTENT or file(s) included (models, xx files, cfg files, all bmp or jpg textures) into this packages for another model, for another purpose than a use into the sole program Vehicle Simulator and Virtual Sailor or for another person or application or commercial entity, with no limitation of time.
You can run and use these models in unrestricted circonstances, off-line or during on-line sessions or meetings, as long as you do not redistribute them and do not request payment for using them. You can use the model freely to record video on YouTube by indicating the author of the model.
Hello! My name is Alex Beaut. This site is dedicated to my work, my models, which later I import in Vehicle Simulator and Virtual Sailor. Here you will find a variety of ships, a different time period. A majority of my models are free and available for download. There are those that I do exclusively for their visible for YouTube. At the moment, I have created a series of paid ships. If you loved my work, Please support me in this endeavor.
Recommended hardware and software requirements
AMD FX8350 serie,
4Gb Ram
GeForce RTX770/AMD Radeon r7 370 or better graphic card with 4Gb graphic memory
Paid models. That means you value the hard and long work involved and if you think it is worth a few bucks, you have to donate 5-10$ to be able to download and use it in Vehicle Simulator . More, doing an additional donation will allow me to develop other models for Vehicle Simulator and its future updates. Developing serious models is really a long task and a real commitment once one is started. Doing so on a regular basis needs some financial motivation and support, as well as a minimal decent income to the author.
Purchasing the addon for 5-10$ will allow you to download it for an unlimited time, for your own computer. Also, in the future, when updating or correcting the model, you will receive an email with a link to download updates. All problems arising with the model can be solved on the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/AlexBeautLine/) or the solution is already indicated in README.
Thank you a lot for your generosity and help.
This model and files contained in the archive are the sole property of Alex Beaut.
By unzipping this archive, you accept to not host the files of the models contained into the archive on any other server than the author's one, to NOT DISTRIBUTE THEM IN ANY WAY (email, private message, disk, hardware, software material...), to not sell them, to not modify, TO NOT USE ANY CONTENT or file(s) included (models, xx files, cfg files, all bmp or jpg textures) into this packages for another model, for another purpose than a use into the sole program Vehicle Simulator and Virtual Sailor or for another person or application or commercial entity, with no limitation of time.
You can run and use these models in unrestricted circonstances, off-line or during on-line sessions or meetings, as long as you do not redistribute them and do not request payment for using them. You can use the model freely to record video on YouTube by indicating the author of the model.
Hello! My name is Alex Beaut. This site is dedicated to my work, my models, which later I import in Vehicle Simulator and Virtual Sailor. Here you will find a variety of ships, a different time period. A majority of my models are free and available for download. There are those that I do exclusively for their visible for YouTube. At the moment, I have created a series of paid ships. If you loved my work, Please support me in this endeavor.
Recommended hardware and software requirements
AMD FX8350 serie,
4Gb Ram
GeForce RTX770/AMD Radeon r7 370 or better graphic card with 4Gb graphic memory
Paid models. That means you value the hard and long work involved and if you think it is worth a few bucks, you have to donate 5-10$ to be able to download and use it in Vehicle Simulator . More, doing an additional donation will allow me to develop other models for Vehicle Simulator and its future updates. Developing serious models is really a long task and a real commitment once one is started. Doing so on a regular basis needs some financial motivation and support, as well as a minimal decent income to the author.
Purchasing the addon for 5-10$ will allow you to download it for an unlimited time, for your own computer. Also, in the future, when updating or correcting the model, you will receive an email with a link to download updates. All problems arising with the model can be solved on the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/AlexBeautLine/) or the solution is already indicated in README.
Thank you a lot for your generosity and help.
This model and files contained in the archive are the sole property of Alex Beaut.
By unzipping this archive, you accept to not host the files of the models contained into the archive on any other server than the author's one, to NOT DISTRIBUTE THEM IN ANY WAY (email, private message, disk, hardware, software material...), to not sell them, to not modify, TO NOT USE ANY CONTENT or file(s) included (models, xx files, cfg files, all bmp or jpg textures) into this packages for another model, for another purpose than a use into the sole program Vehicle Simulator and Virtual Sailor or for another person or application or commercial entity, with no limitation of time.
You can run and use these models in unrestricted circonstances, off-line or during on-line sessions or meetings, as long as you do not redistribute them and do not request payment for using them. You can use the model freely to record video on YouTube by indicating the author of the model.

mir-i & mir-ii
The purchase is carried out through the Gamroad service. After payment, you will immediately receive a download link. Wait for the link to appear, it may not appear immediately due to network congestion.
Mir (Russian: "Мир", world or peace) is a self-propelled Deep Submergence Vehicle. The project was initially developed by the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Russian Academy of Sciences) along with Design Bureau Lazurith. Later two vehicles were ordered from Finland. The Mir 1 and Mir 2, delivered in 1987, were designed and built by the Finnish company Rauma-Repola's Oceanics subsidiary. The project was carried out under the supervision of constructors and engineers of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology.
The vessels are designed to be used for scientific research. They might also be used to assist in submarine rescue operations, although they do not have the capacity to take anybody aboard when underwater. The carrier and command centre of both Mir submersibles is the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. The two Mir units are operated by the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Mir submersibles can dive to a maximum depth of 6,000 metres (19,685 ft).
Traditionally, the personnel sphere of a deep sea submersible is manufactured of titanium plates that are welded together. On Mir, the personnel sphere is made of a maraging steel alloy that has ten percent better strength/weight ratio than titanium.[1] This alloy contains about 30% cobalt and smaller amounts of nickel, chrome and titanium. Two hemispheres were made by casting and machining, and then bolted together, thus avoiding welded joints. The resulting construction is close to the density of water, thus making it easier to move in different depths. Additional buoyancy is provided by 8 cubic metres (280 cu ft) of syntactic foam. Unlike other Deep Submergence Vehicles that use iron ballast to reach the ocean floor, the buoyancy and depth is adjusted by ballast tanks.
In the mid 1990s and early 2000s, the Mir vehicles were used by Canadian film director James Cameron to film the wreck of the RMS Titanic, resting at a depth of 3,821 metres, for his 1997 film Titanic and documentaries such as Ghosts of the Abyss, and to film the wreck of the German battleship Bismarck, resting at a depth of 4,700 metres, for his 2002 documentary film Expedition: Bismarck.